
Best deals

BMv properties

BMV stands for “Below Market Value”, refers to the properties which are on sale at a price that is below current market value in property sector.

Here you might wonder what the reason of one selling  property below market value, the answer is that everyone has different circumstances. Sometime people are in such kind of situation where they don’t have much choice. Things such as a sudden work relocation or divorce compel people to get quick resale which contributes to lower price.

So we try our best to locate these kind of properties and guide you to get a good deal according to your needs.

Properties with extention potential

Property with extension potential is also a great bargain, by which you can generate extra revenue by extending it. You can significantly increase the value of the property by extending it, or you can  make it your dream family home.

we help you to find the best deal in such kind of properties. 

properties with renovation potential

The property in need of modernisation is a great bargain for the property hunters who are passionate to renovate the old fashioned properties and achieve high resale value, or make it your own dream home.

We specialise in hunting the properties with renovation potential and can provide you help in every step of making it a great bargain deal for you.